JANUARY 8 – 12, 2018

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

This year’s week long Winter Camp is Level 2 where we will challenge young students to use traditional and modern tools to work through projects and make things they never thought they could. Each day the kids will use real tools on real projects making plenty of saw dust and metal chips along the way. No wimpy projects here as we instill confidence and critical thinking into all of our students! Winter camp is a compressed version of our traditional 12-week programs. In fact, taking the Level 1, 2, or 3 winter camp will qualify the kids to go straight in to the next Level 12-week program in the spring with our existing students. Students must have completed Level 1 prior to registering for this Level 2 session. Space is limited so go to /youthprograms/kidswintercamp and register today!