We have some terrific events happening at Urban Workshop this month!

We have a 2,000 sq ft event hall with an adjoined 16,000 sq ft workshop and offers the ability to hold corporate and team building events, build competitions, charity events, school and training programs, and parties. The facility is complete with a Bose public address system and Dell overhead projection system. The large space allows for many table configurations. We have a kitchen that can be used for staging and serving to large groups. We invite you visit Urban Workshop to see the space first hand and envision the possibilities of this truly unique and flexible space, or contact us at events@urbanworkshop.net to book your event today!

Monday 1/8/18 through Friday 1/12/18

Youth Programs Winter Camp

This year’s week long Winter Camp is Level 2 where we will challenge young students to use traditional and modern tools to work through projects and make things they never thought they could. Each day the kids will use real tools on real projects making plenty of saw dust and metal chips along the way. No wimpy projects here as we instill confidence and critical thinking into all of our students! Winter camp is a compressed version of our traditional 12-week programs. In fact, taking the Level 1, 2, or 3 winter camp will qualify the kids to go straight in to the next Level 12-week program in the spring with our existing students. Students must have completed Level 1 prior to registering for this Level 2 session. Space is still available – register today at  https://urbanworkshop.net/wintercamp/

Wednesday 1/10/18

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Office Hours w/Steve-Member Small Business Assistance

The goal of this 60 minute, open forum discussion with Steve is to help you succeed in building your small business – whether you need general business suggestions and advice, design / engineering / product development help, or even marketing help – anything is on the table.  Our desire is to help your business grow any way we can!

This Office Hours Session is for Members of Urban Workshop only, and is designed to provide help with our Member Small Businesses.

Wednesday 1/10/18

6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

EarthMAKE Monthly Meeting


Our regular meeting plus open lab Arduinoist & Pi-sters. Refreshments provided and doors open at 6:30 for socializing. Feel free to bring your laptop, Arduino & Pi projects.


Thursday 1/11/18

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Developing An Entrepreneur Mindset

Free Small Business Workshop

When you have a dream to build a business you have to work for it, but stumbling blocks and barriers will certainly appear – the key is to learn how to work through stumbling blocks and turn them into stepping stones! Using Dale Carnegie Training’s proven method for success, this two hour workshop will give you insight into the key attributes of successful leaders and teach you how to apply them to your life and become a successful entrepreneur! Free tickets available on our Eventbrite page:


Thursday 1/24/18

6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

TIME OC monthly meeting

Bring your startup and technology topics, questions, and fun attitude for an open mastermind discussion.  If you have an idea for a startup, want feedback, or just talk about the latest technology, we are for you! All are welcome including beginners, experts and everything in between. Come and join in!


Monday 1/22/18

Youth Programs Spring Semester Starts

Urban Workshop’s Youth STEM Program is designed to create a relaxed and pressure-free environment in which students, ages 10 to 16, learn to use a wide selection of hand and power tools with a variety of materials. Each individual class introduces participants to a new group of tools and techniques, and includes a project. Beginner, intermediate and advanced classes start the week of January 22, 2018; register today – go to https://urbanworkshop.net/youthoverview/

Friday 1/26/18

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Inventors Forum Monthly Meeting


Event Calendar is updated weekly – subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on social media to get all the latest news and events!