Welcome to the only American Welding Society (AWS)

Accredited Test Facility (ATF) in Southern California

As an American Welding Society (AWS) Accredited Test Facility (ATF), we offer AWS Welder Performance Qualification testing to anyone who wishes to attain an AWS welder certification. The tests are run by our AWS certified welding inspector in our certified facility using our calibrated equipment and certified materials. All you need to do is show up. Scroll down to select the test you want and enroll.

Tests are offered direct to individuals and to companies that require their employees hold AWS certifications. We also perform bespoke testing for companies that have their own Welding Procedures to meet internal or project requirements. Contact us at 949-296-2153 to discuss timing and cost of bespoke testing.

We offer regular scheduled testing in the following welder technologies: GMAW (MIG), FCAW-S/G  (FluxCore), SMAW (Stick), GTAW (TIG), and Oxy / Acetylene torches.


Not sure if you are ready? Drop by for a free welder skills evaluation. It takes about an hour and our certified instructors  / inspectors can let you know if you are ready to test or if you should take some practice time. To schedule a free tour and evaluation select a date from the calendar below…

Here is a list of the AWS tests we provide (Click on the text to enroll):

GMAW-S (MIG) Structural Aluminum D1.2

GMAW-S (MIG) Structural Sheet Metal D1.3

GMAW-S (MIG) Automotive Steel D8.8

GMAW-S (MIG) Sheet Metal D9.1

FCAW-G Structural Steel D1.1

FCAW-G Bridge Welding Steel D1.5

FCAW-G Railroad Locomotives D15.1

FCAW-S Structural Steel D1.1 (Needed for LA Cert) (211 Wire)

FCAW-S Structural Steel D1.1 (232 wire)

FCAW-S Structural Sheet Metal D1.3 (211 wire)

FCAW-S Railroad Locomotive D15.1 (232 wire)

FCAW-S Structural Seismic D1.8 class (232 wire)

SMAW (Stick) Structural Steel (also LA Cert) D1.1 (7018 rod)

SMAW (Stick) Structural Sheet Metal D1.3

SMAW (Stick) Railroad Locomotives D15.1 (7018 rod)

SMAW (Stick) Bridge Welding Steel D1.5 – no power tools (7018 rod)

SMAW (Stick) ASME 9 – 6” Diameter Pipe (6010 or 7018 rod)

GTAW (TIG) Structural Aluminum D1.2

GTAW (TIG) Structural Sheet Metal D1.3

GTAW (TIG) Structural Stainless D1.6

GTAW (TIG) Fusion Welding D17.1

GTAW (TIG) Sanitary Tubing D18.1

GTAW (TIG) Sanitary Vessel & Equipment D18.3

GTAW (TIG) Automotive Steel D8.8

GTAW (TIG) Sheet Metal D9.1

Torch Brazing (Oxy / Acetylene) C3.4

ASME 9 Pre-Pipe (Call to enroll)

How does it work? Simple. Enroll using one the links above to setup your own account in our system and pay for the service you need. You will receive an email with follow up instructions to select the day and time you want for the test. Or just give us a quick call at 949-296-2153 and one of our front desk team will enroll you and help you select your test day and time. On the day of the test, show up 15 minutes early for the selected time. Plan on four hours to do the whole thing. You will get your results back in about week and the AWS will mail you your AWS certificate in 4 to 6 weeks.

What’s Included:  Everything is included in the price of the test. We provide the test coupons, filler materials and gas, and calibrated welding machines. All you need to do is show up gear in hand, ready to go. We provide some scrap material you can “warm-up” with, then you jump right in and take your test. Plan on 4 hours for most tests.

How many test positions do I get?: You get one weld type (G or F) in one position (1-4), in one material size per test.

Terms: All tests are pre-paid. No refunds for no-shows. Must re-schedule 3-days in advance for credit.

Price:  Test prices range from are $499 each to $899. Please note AWS charges $60 per test for their application fee and it is collected at the time of enrollment.

Prerequisites: None!

Equipment: Test applicants should bring all of their own safety gear (helmet, sleeves, gloves, safety glasses, etc)

Minimum age: 16 years with adult permission

Attire: Long pants, closed-toe shoes or boots, Long sleeve flame retardant shirt. Polyester clothing is highly flammable so no breathable sport shirts/pants. We have shared welding gear but it is best to bring your own if you have it.

How to register: Sign up on line using the links above or call Urban Workshop at 949-296-2153

Contact: Please call 949-296-2153 or email info@UrbanWorkshop.net

Location: Urban Workshop – 365-A Clinton St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626