CNC Training Classes

(Haas CNC VMC, Laguna CNC Router, Torchmate Plasma Cutter)


Series 100 Classes – CNC Basics

CNC101 CNC Machining Concepts

Learn the basics of CNC (computer numerical control) machines. This seminar will present the whole CNC process, from CAD (computer aided design) to CAM (computer aided machining) to cutting your part. Learn the essentials of calculating feeds and speeds. Understand the uses and differences between climb cutting and conventional cutting. Once you have successfully completed this class you will have the knowledge needed to enroll in the next CNC Machining programming software classes.

Attire: Office attire

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $120, Non- Member: $168

Prerequisites: None

See when offered

Series 200 Classes – Laguna SmartShop 1 CNC Router

CNC200 CNC Router Concepts

This foundational class explains the concepts of how the CNC router works, how it interprets instructions (aka tool paths), 3D coordinate systems, what it can cut, and types of tooling.

As you discuss tooling and materials you will learn to calculate feeds and speeds of the cutting tools as well as chip loads for various materials. This will give you a solid understanding of tools available for various applications.

A review of software required and basics CAM functionality will help you understand what is required to design the parts for manufacture on the Laguna SmartShop CNC Router.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $120, Non- Member: $168

Prerequisites: CAD experience is helpful but not required.

Please bring a Windows-based laptop to class.

See when offered

CNC201 CNC Router 1 - Programming

You will learn to translate your parts designed in 2D or 3D CAD software into physical reality using our Laguna Tools SmartShop-1 3-axis CNC router. This class teaches you how to use the CAM software Aspire to design and program 2D parts. The router is an excellent way to produce large CNC parts that are relatively flat, such as signs, cabinetry panels, 3D artwork, or even complex composite tooling. Parts can be made from most woods, plastics, foams and other composites (sorry, no metal on this machine). We will briefly discuss Fusion 360 for 3D part programming. See CAD208 for Fusion 360 for detailed instruction on CNC router 3D programming.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $120, Non- Member: $168

Prerequisites: CNC 200 CNC Router Concepts.

Please bring a Windows-based laptop to class.

See when offered

CNC202 CNC Router 2 - Machine Setup

Building upon the tool paths created in CNC201, this class will walk through the setup and calibration of the CNC router. We will begin by outlining the concepts of work offsets and “zeroing” the machine. Use of both vacuum table and t-slot clamping methods will be covered. The operation of the hand-held controller and control cabinet will be demonstrated. We will cut a sample part (with multiple tool changes) to walk you through the process of cutting complex parts on the router.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $160, Non- Member: $224

Prerequisites: CNC 201 CNC Router 1: Programming

See when offered

CNC203 CNC Router 3 - First Part - Optional

This is an optional class that provides an opportunity to work one on one with a CNC router expert to walk you thru your first project or provide additional guidance as needed.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $150, Non- Member: $210

Prerequisites: CNC202 CNC Router 2 – Machine Setup

See when offered

Series 300 Classes – Haas CNC Vertical Machining Center

CNC301 Haas VMC CNC Mill - Concepts of CNC

The object of this course is to introduce students with a technical background how to go about using Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) mills to produce prototype parts. An overview of the following topics will be provided: the CNC process, tooling types and materials, feeds and speeds, workholding, G-code programming, and basic machine operation. Parts well suited to prototype and short-run production are discussed and used in examples. A reading assignment and homework will be given at the end of class, and must be completed prior to the second class of the CNC series.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $185, Non- Member: $259

Prerequisites: Student must have completed the following classes prior to enrolling:
MAC101 Manual Mill Basics

See when offered

CNC302 Haas VMC CNC Mill - Understanding G-Code

Further your education in Part 2 of our CNC Milling class series. In this class you will be introduced to the G-Code programming language. You will understand the structure and use of G-Code for CNC Milling, as well as troubleshoot code produced by toolpath-generation software. A reading assignment and homework will be given at the end of class, and must be completed prior to the third class of the CNC series.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $125, Non- Member: $175

Prerequisites: CNC301 Haas VMC CNC Mill 1: Concepts of CNC

See when offered

CNC303 Haas VMC CNC Mill - Worksholding

Workholding is the generic term for any device used to firmly secure a workpiece while machining it. There are two components to workholding:
1. The method of locating and securing that workholding device to the machine. This covers items as basic T-slots, all the way up to complicated, modular fixture plates and beyond.
2. The actual workholding device, such as a vise. We’ll go through the various methods of locating the workholding devices and then follow up with a description of common options for workholding devices.
A reading/viewing and homework assignment will be given at the end of class, and must be completed prior to CNC304.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $125, Non- Member: $175

Prerequisites: CNC302 Haas VMC CNC Mill: Understanding G-Code

See when offered

CNC304 Haas VMC CNC Mill - CAM Programming

In order to efficiently machine parts, it is essential to develop the ability to visualize how a part can be carved out of a piece of stock. There is no wrong way to make a part. With experience, however, there are steps that can be taken in order to maximize throughput with minimal setup time.
In this class, you will develop an understanding of how to approach and program 3-axis CNC milling operations. This class will cover programming using Autodesk Fusion 360, but also applies directly to HSMWorks. The CAM workspace in Fusion 360 is the first cloud-based Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) application that combines CNC programming and design with real-time collaboration and online project and data management in one easy-to-use product. With Autodesk Fusion 360 modeling built right in, you can make short work of routine tasks such as model preparation and defeaturing. You can also load an existing file of any of the types supported by Autodesk Fusion 360, including CATIA, SolidWorks, NX, Pro Engineer, SAT, STEP, IGES, and many other industry-standard file formats.
A reading assignment and homework will be given at the end of class, and must be completed prior to the fifth class of the CNC series.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $199, Non- Member: $279

Prerequisites: CNC 303 Haas VMC CNC Mill: Workholding

Student must bring a laptop with Autodesk Fusion360 pre-installed. Go to to download for free!

See when offered

CNC305 Haas VMC CNC Mill - Machine Operation

Building upon the tool paths created in CNC304, this class walks you through the set up and operation of the CNC Mill. The class begins by outlining the concepts of work offsets and “zeroing” the machine tools. The operation of the control panel will then be demonstrated. This will include loading a program into the machine, zeroing offsets, loading both work offsets and tool offsets, and use of Manual Data Input control.
We will also discuss workholding including use of fixtures such as the vise, and clamping to the T-slot table. You will then set up and cut a sample part (with multiple tool changes) to walk you through the process of cutting complex parts.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $125, Non- Member: $175

Prerequisites: CNC304 Haas VMC CNC Mill – CAM Programming

See when offered

CNC306 Haas VMC CNC Mill - First Part - Optional

This is an optional class that provides an opportunity to work one on one with a milling expert to walk you thru your first project or provide additional guidance as needed.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $125, Non- Member: $175

Prerequisites: CNC 305 Haas VMC CNC Mill – Machine Operation

See when offered

Series 400 Classes – Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma Cutter

CNC401 Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma - Programming

The object of this course is to introduce students to safety and efficiently programming a CNC Plasma Cutter. A plasma cutter uses a stream of plasma to transfer energy to a conductive work material by forcing a gas such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon — or even air — through a narrow nozzle. An electric current adds sufficient energy to the gas flow to ionize it, turning it into a plasma arc in order to produce parts, artwork, signs, fencing and more out of various types of metals. An overview of the various topics include: safety, what types and thicknesses of material that can be cut, designing your file, nesting, acceptable file types, speeds, cut height, pierce height, cut charts, CAM programming, tool paths, and exporting G-code. In this class, students will design their project to be cut out in CNC402 CNC Plasma Cutter 2: Machine Set Up.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $161, Non- Member: $225

Prerequisites: None. But MTL101 Metal Shop basics is recommended

See when offered

CNC402 Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma - Machine Setup

Using your design, tool paths, and G-code created in CNC401 CNC Plasma Cutter 1: Programming, this class will walk you through the setup and calibration of our 4’ x 8’ TorchMate CNC Plasma Cutter. We will begin by outlining the concepts of importing your file into the TorchMate program, work offsets, and “zeroing” the machine. Appropriate safety gear, choosing the correct nozzle based on thickness of material, the X, Y, Z-axis, and complete machine set up and operation will be covered. After this class, members will be signed off to use the CNC Plasma Cutter whenever they would like. To get more practice, students can request a CNC403 CNC Plasma Cutter 3: First Part session where they get one on one help from an instructor.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $199, Non- Member: $279

Prerequisites: CNC401 Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma – Programming

See when offered

CNC403 Torchmate 4800 CNC Plasma - First Part

This is an optional class that provides an opportunity to work one on one with a CNC Plasma Cutter expert to walk you thru your first project or provide additional guidance as needed. The teacher can look over your file, verify your settings, and accompany you to the machine to make sure you are comfortable and confident.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $150, Non- Member: $210

Prerequisites: CNC302 Haas VMC CNC Mill: Understanding G-Code

See when offered