Crypto Currency Classes

Series 100 Classes – Crypto Currency Basics

TRK126 Crypto Mining Rig Course

Start crypto mining a range of currencies with your very own GPU crypto mining rig that you build in this track. You will get a complete overview of the mining space and will build and configure your own six* GPU mining rig , join mining pools, configure mining software and  create wallets to store the coins you earn. This is an incredibly fun techie activity is extremely addictive and allows you to be part of the future and earn crypto currency that could some day be worth a small fortune.

Learn the only hobby that allows you make money in your pass time or while you sleep.

During this 12-hour course you will assemble a Veddha 6 slot mining rig running Linux based HiveOS that normally sells for over $3,000 without a GPU.

*Note: The GPU mining rig built in class will come with one GPU. You can add cards on your own after the track to increase your mining capacity.

This course meets once a week for 4 weeks.

*Note: The GPU mining rig built in class will come with one starter GPU. You can add cards on your own after the track to increase your mining return.

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders.

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: Member: $3,770, Non- Member: $5,278

Prerequisites: None but some computer and software experience is very helpful.

See when offered

CRY101 Crypto Currency Intro - Overview, Software & Account Setup

In this intro class, you will get an understanding of: how crypto currencies work, Proof of work vs Proof of stake, crypto wallets, mining pools, mining software, mining hardware (GPU vs ASICS), and be introduced to several online tools that will help you select hardware and choose what coins to mine.

You will setup the accounts needed for the next step of the class track in HiveOS and select a crypto wallet or DEX account to store your coins and link them to your bank accounts. 

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders. If you have long hair, please tie it up!

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: This class is only offered as part of the Crypto mining class track.

Prerequisites: None

See when offered

CRY102A Crypto Rig - Assembly

All the parts and software will be provided for you to build your very own 6-slot GPU crypto mining rig from scratch. You will assembly the Veddha brand metal frame first then learn to install the motherboard, CPU chip, SSD hard drive, RAM, GPU risers, and power supplies. Followed by an in depth discussion on wiring and power draw. – if you get this wrong you risk a fire, so it is essential. 

The skills learned in this class will allow you to safely build additional rigs on your own or upgrade your new rig as your skills and mining aspirations increase. 

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: This class is only offered as part of the Crypto mining class track.

Prerequisites: CRY101 Crypto Currency Intro

See when offered

CRY102B GPU Crypto Rig - Getting it on line

Once the wiring of your new crypto rig is complete you will flash the SSD with HiveOS, install the “worker” config files, configure the WiFi connection, and setup the system BIOS on the motherboard.

Advances in the crypto software make this a lot easier than it used to be, but it still requires a significant amount of setup and account linking to work smoothly. We will walk you thru all of it and by the end of this class you will be able to see your rig online mining Etherium in real time.

 Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders. If you have long hair, please tie it up!

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: This class is only offered as part of the Crypto mining class track.

Prerequisites: CRY102A GPU Crypto Rig – Assembly

See when offered

CRY102C GPU Crypto Rig - GPU Optimization, Overclocks & Monitoring

With your new Crypto rig online, it is now time to optimize the GPU card configurations to maximize the mining rate and minimize the electrical consumption to increase your profitability.

GPU overclock settings that are incorrect also cause the GPU’s to throw errors and kick your mining rig offline or to reboot. And if the rig is not running, it is not earning you a return. We will also dive deeper into HiveOS so you can remotely control your mining rig from any PC or directly from your phone. This allows you to make changes to configurations on the fly to compensate for overclocking or in some cases overheating issues.

The class will end with a discussion on safe places to setup your rig at home as these rigs generate a lot of heat requiring you to plan ahead. 

Attire: Pants, closed toe shoes, shirt that covers shoulders. If you have long hair, please tie it up!

Age: Individual participants in this class need to be 18 years of age or above. Ages 14 to 17 with parent or guardian.

Price: This class is only offered as part of the Crypto mining class track.

Prerequisites: CRY102B GPU Crypto Rig – Getting it Online

See when offered