12 Week Youth Hands-on S.T.E.M. Shop Class – Level 5
Fall 2019 enrollment now OPEN!
Fall classes start September 9, 2019.
Level 5 is our most challenging class series yet and reinforces good shop work habits as the students learn even more advanced skills. The goal is for students to be safe and comfortable in all areas of an open shop environment. Students will learn the skills needed to intermingle technologies from other shop areas, such as building wooden furniture with metal support structures. A key focus in Level 5 is bringing all the various technologies learned so far together into a few large projects.
Participants will learn additional skills on the professional workshop equipment and software. Projects will be increasingly difficult in a variety of shop and engineering areas forcing students to think on the fly, solve problems and achieve the desired results.
Level 5 Classes are offered in 3-hour sessions for 12 weeks. Choose from available sessions:
Thursday: 1 pm to 4 pm
Friday: 9 am to 12 noon
Prerequisite(s): Level 4 program
Minimum age: 10 years Maximum age: 15 years
Minimum number of kids to make a class: 4, Maximum number of kids per class: 16
Safety: Closed-toed shoes are mandatory. Pants and shirts that cover your shoulders are required.
How to register: Call Urban Workshop at 949-296-2153
Contact: Matt Durham at 949-296-2153 or email YouthOC@UrbanWorkshop.net.
Cost: $800 per student. Includes project materials and the use of Urban Workshop’s tools.
Charter Schools: Yes, you can use charter school funds. Please call Urban Workshop at 949-296-2153 to register. Check here to see if your Charter School is set up with us. If not, let us know and we will contact them.
Location: Urban Workshop – 365-A Clinton St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

For additional information
Call or email today to schedule a site visit or make an event reservation.